We are a nature-focused kindergarten and we dedicate our care to the whole child (head & heart & hands), providing an atmosphere of love and beauty, able to spark imagination as the basis for all creativity, crafting and learning.
We are committed to nurturing each child in a way that he or she will explore his or her unique identity and talents and develop his or her boundless abilities to communicate and thus contribute to the future of the world with clear and creative thinking, compassion, moral strength and courage.
Some of the child’s most pertinent needs are located in his/her ability to explore its surrounding external world and simultaneously to develop his/her internal world; forming identity, a sense of self and purpose.
Our Early Childhood Program is structured to provide a gradual transition from the life of the home until the time of entering elementary school. It is based upon the simple yet profound concepts of imitation, repetition, and creative play developed by Rudolf Steiner (Waldorf). We use the name "Kindergarten" because in the literal interpretation it means “children’s garden.” This is the image that we choose to carry on behalf of the young child: a place where childhood is considered a valid and honorable experience, not a time to be rushed toward adulthood.

Primary School
We believe that in this age where access to information can be available at the click of a button, education must demonstrate the abundance of knowledge, opening channels for creativity, communication and interdependence.
In this way we can create sustainable learning centered communities that nurture innate curiosity, self-motivation and a desire to co-create with one’s peers.
Education at its most effective, offers real-life type experiences and a community-oriented cooperation rather than merely a top-down approach that limits agency.
As an international school we are member of the Common Ground Collaborative (CGC).
A child's curiosity and natural drive for learning is so apparent in the early years, during which the child learns an entire set of human skills – eating, walking, speaking, communicating etc. This drive for learning ought to continue for a lifetime, enhancing the human experience and should be regarded as sacred.
Recognizing the importance of our natural state, which provides almost infinite learning capabilities, also leads to the understanding that such enormous gifts need to be nurtured at all times.
We practice cutting edge methods in order to be able to embark on this journey: “phenomenon & project based learning”, which does away with subject matters and embraces learner-centered, multidisciplinary instructional approaches based on student inquiry and problem solving. We have mixed age groups and allow each child to learn at their individual pace, doing away with exams and formal assessments.
Our overall aim is to inspire children to gain deep self-awareness; to understand how as an individual they best learn and grow; to identify their talents and passions and ultimately to find their unique calling in life.
LEXIS Global African Curriculum
Our Curriculum is a transformative force in an educational landscape craving cultural relevance & adaptability. It represents an evolution in teaching and learning, uniquely attuned to our diverse contexts, distinct realities on the ground & unfolding global repositioning.
Our curriculum is built with the spirit of Ubuntu and interdependence; it is designed to cultivate a mindset where learners contribute positively at individual, community, national, and global levels, focusing on collective well-being and sustainable progress.